What’s the Best Day to Move House?

According to data collected by removals comparison website Compare My Move, the most popular day to move house is Friday – but does this mean you should move on that day?
They say that throughout 2016, Friday had the most moves (53,584) and Sunday the least (4,284).
Whilst it may seem like Sunday is the obvious choice due to how quiet it is, its end of week position means it’ll be difficult to get everything done and dusted within just one day, before going back to following the next day.
Why is Friday so popular?
Friday is thought to be the most popular day due to its unique weekly position. Since it’s the last day before the weekend, Fridays let movers make use of the following Saturday and Sunday in case they don’t complete everything on that day. It also means they only need to take one day off work. Just keep in mind that many bank’s deadline for transferring money is around 3pm, so if you do plan to move on a Friday do everything you can to complete it in the morning.
The disadvantages
Compare Your Move also talks about the disadvantages of a Friday move.
Friday’s popularity means banks can often run into money transfer system issues, especially when it’s the last Friday of the month. These sorts of issues put you at risk of becoming homeless over the weekend period.
And if more issues were to occur, you’d probably have to wait until the following Monday to get in touch with your solicitor; any other weekday would let you sort this out the next day. This also applies to tradesmen, who could charge you extra for weekend work.
So if you’re looking to move on a less stressful day, it may be worth doing it from Monday – Thursday.
Which days have you moved on in the past and why? Let us know on Twitter @felicityjlord!