Helping our tenants live cheaper and greener – plus no fuel bills for landlords during void periods

Felicity J Lord is delighted to introduce another innovative service which will benefit landlords, tenants and the environment.‘Sulu Energy Bridge’, from Tenant Shop, which we’re launching on 2nd July, offers a seamless and cost-effective energy provision service through Green Star. In 2017, 100% of their electricity came from sustainable sources, an achievement of which they are very proud.
The primary benefit for landlords is that they can be assured that the tenant is paying their fuel bill. This is particularly important once a tenant leaves the property, because it helps the landlord avoid having to enter into any disputes with the energy provider.
A further benefit for landlords is that there will be no fuel costs to pay during average void periods. Provided there’s
less than 30 days between tenancies, and there are just standard appliances left on, such as fridges and freezers, then the standing charge and fuel costs will be covered.
Dan Brumhead of Tenant Shop told us:
“We are delighted to be offering our void period solution, ‘Sulu Energy Bridge’ to Felicity J Lord landlords. We believe it to be a win win solution. We provide landlords
with the security of knowing who their energy provider is, whilst covering the cost of standing charges for a typical void period. We help tenants by finding the right energy tariff for their needs giving them choice if they require it.
“Meanwhile at the end of the tenancy landlords have the reassurance that the meter reverts back to Green Star, with stray bills dealt with by the Tenant Shop team in time to start the process again for the incoming tenant. By creating a seamless transition between tenancies we hope to take the hassle out of energy for landlords and ensure that tenants are getting the best deals on their moving services.”
We also see this as an equally important development for our tenants - we understand how important personal finances are to them, particularly if this is their first home.
We’ve arranged for our tenants to be placed on an excellent initial tariff which is currently cheaper than the Top Six energy
providers as soon their tenancy starts, saving them the hassle of shopping around when they have a multitude of
other things to organise.
However, tenants are in no way obligated to stay on this tariff, nor even with Green Star. Tenant Shop will contact the tenant and help them find out if there is another tariff available which would be more suitable for them.
To find out more about the services offered, speak to your local Felicity J Lord branch.