Tips for selling over Christmas

There’s no reason your decorations should work against you when selling your property over the Christmas period. As a seller you should look to make them into a positive. This is a chance to show potential buyers that your property is the one and only home where they’ll look to spend their next Christmas. When purchasing Christmas decorations this year go for a more subtle and laid back approach instead of something gaudy and over the top.
Kerb appeal
Concentrate on kerb appeal this year. Things you can do include introducing doorway lights to brightening up your doorway for evening viewings (avoid coloured or flashing lights, instead go for the simply white to create the perfect entrance), or simply putting an ornate wreath on your front door.
Smaller tree
Larger Christmas trees are of course the norm, but instead go for a smaller Christmas tree this year; it will save you floor space which can really enlarge a room.
One colour theme
Choose one (or at most two) colours for your decorations and gift wrapping in an effort to keep your theme simple and clean, otherwise you won’t achieve that elegant, sophisticated look and may instead end up with something loud and messy.
Introduce some seasonal smells
Why not introduce some seasonal smells to your home this Christmas to further enhance the seasonal, homely atmosphere. This means things such as scented candles, a real pine tree and a lit fire (if you have a fireplace in your home).
Don’t overdo the Christmas cards
Lighten up on the Christmas cards this year; it may be tempting to have every single Christmas card out on display, but this can end up looking messy and distracting.
However, there’s always a good chance that you may not receive any viewings over the Christmas period, but remember that those who do make the effort during this time of year are serious and are motivated, so ensure your property is in good shape and you’ll only benefit.
How will you be decorating your home this Christmas? Let us know on Twitter @felicityjlord!